Here you can find gasstations with updated prices in last 48 hours.

Бензиностанция Marchio Minore - Piane di Montegiorgio

Montegiorgio, Via Faleriense Est 1

Fuel Price
A95 1,849 €/l
Diesel 1,709 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:07

IP Bari c/o Policlinico

Bari, Piazzale Giulio Cesare

Fuel Price
Benzina 1,929 €/l
Diesel 1,729 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:07

IP Pontebari

Spoleto, Via Guglielmo Marconi 659

Fuel Price
Benzina 1,859 €/l
Diesel 1,699 €/l
GPL 0,639 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:07

Бензиностанция Marchio Minore - Parona

Verona, Strada per Arbizzano 12

Fuel Price
A95 1,879 €/l
Diesel 1,749 €/l
A98 1,999 €/l
Diesel Premium 1,789 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:07

Бензиностанция Marchio Minore - Torre San Patrizio

Torre San Patrizio, Via Galletti 7

Fuel Price
A95 1,849 €/l
Diesel 1,709 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:07

Бензиностанция Marchio Minore - Montegranaro

Montegranaro, Via Elpidiense Sud 180

Fuel Price
A95 1,849 €/l
Diesel 1,709 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:07

Бензиностанция Star Oil - Villaggio Snia

Cesano Maderno, Via Friuli 53

Fuel Price
A95 1,879 €/l
Diesel 1,749 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:06

Бензиностанция Marchio Minore - Centobuchi

Monteprandone, Viale Alcide De Gasperi 38

Fuel Price
A95 1,859 €/l
Diesel 1,689 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:06

Бензиностанция Marchio Minore - Villa Lempa (ex IP)

Civitella del Tronto, Via Carlo Rosselli

Fuel Price
A95 1,869 €/l
Diesel 1,709 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:06

Tamoil Busto Arsizio Corso 20 Settembre (ex Carrefour)

Busto Arsizio, Corso 20 Settembre 91

Fuel Price
Benzina Super SP 1,859 €/l
Gasolio 1,759 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:06

Бензиностанция Marchio Minore - Floriano

Campli, Via Fonte a Collina 318

Fuel Price
A95 1,869 €/l
Diesel 1,709 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:06

Бензиностанция Tedeschini Gino - Modena

Modena, Strada Vignolese 1053

Fuel Price
A95 1,909 €/l
Diesel 1,769 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:06

IP Forlimpopoli Via Emilia

Forlimpopoli, Via Emilia 1837

Fuel Price
Benzina 2,048 €/l
Diesel 1,908 €/l
GPL 0,669 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:06

Бензиностанция Marchio Minore - Bussolengo

Bussolengo, SS12 km 295.000 dir. Sud-Est

Fuel Price
A95 1,879 €/l
Diesel 1,749 €/l
A98 1,999 €/l
Diesel Premium 1,789 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:06

Бензиностанция Marchio Minore - Francofonte

Francofonte, SS194 km 27.730 dir. Nord

Fuel Price
A95 1,909 €/l
Diesel 1,749 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:05

Бензиностанция Beyfin - Bigolino

Valdobbiadene, Via Erizzo 449

Fuel Price
A95 1,889 €/l
Diesel 1,749 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:05

Esso Ragusa Via Risorgimento

Ragusa, Via Risorgimento

Fuel Price
Supreme 95 2,089 €/l
Diesel 1,949 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:05

Бензиностанция Carrefour - Massa

Massa, Via Dorsale

Fuel Price
A95 1,879 €/l
Diesel 1,749 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:04

Бензиностанция EnerGas - Mugnano di Napoli

Mugnano di Napoli, Via Pietro Nenni 42

Fuel Price
A95 2,019 €/l
Diesel 1,829 €/l
LPG 0,648 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:04

Бензиностанция EnerGas - Napoli Via Toscanella

Napoli, Via Nuova Toscanella 183

Fuel Price
A95 1,859 €/l
Diesel 1,689 €/l
LPG 0,699 €/l
CNG 1,399 €/kg

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:04

Q8 Catanzaro Viale De Filippis

Catanzaro, Viale Vincenzo De Filippis 56

Fuel Price
Benzina 1,879 €/l
Diesel 1,719 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:03

Q8 Ladispoli

Ladispoli, SS1 km 41.715 dir. Sud-Est

Fuel Price
Benzina 1,854 €/l
Diesel 1,724 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:03

Q8 Vibo Valentia Viale Affaccio

Vibo Valentia, Viale Affaccio 90

Fuel Price
Benzina 1,899 €/l
Diesel 1,739 €/l
2,199 €/l
Diesel Plus 2,039 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:03

Q8 Viterbo c/o CC E.Leclerc

Viterbo, Via Igino Garbini 160

Fuel Price
Benzina 1,849 €/l
Diesel 1,719 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:03

Q8 Sant'Onofrio

Sant'Onofrio, Via Allende

Fuel Price
Benzina 1,899 €/l
Diesel 1,729 €/l
2,199 €/l
Diesel Plus 2,029 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:03

Q8 Torpignattara

Roma, Via di Acqua Bullicante 256

Fuel Price
Benzina 1,839 €/l
Diesel 1,709 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:03

Q8 Roma Viale Togliatti

Roma, Viale Palmiro Togliatti 560

Fuel Price
Benzina 1,824 €/l
Diesel 1,669 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:03

Бензиностанция Pit Stop Castoldi - Bereguardo

Bereguardo, Via Pavia

Fuel Price
A95 2,119 €/l
Diesel 2,009 €/l
LPG 0,689 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:03

IP Sarnelli Est

Avigliano, SS658 km 20.300 dir. Nord-Ovest

Fuel Price
Benzina 2,169 €/l
Diesel 2,009 €/l
GPL 0,719 €/l

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:03

Бензиностанция Marchio Minore - Cervia

Cervia, Via Romea Nord 133

Fuel Price
A95 2,059 €/l
Diesel 1,969 €/l
LPG 0,679 €/l
CNG 1,089 €/kg

the prices were provided by a user on 10.05.2024 16:03

Fuelo makes all possible effort to provide accurate information about prices and petrol stations at the time of its posting, but does not guarantee that the informaton is up-to-date. The information published should not be used to make decisions. Fuelo is not responsible for any actions, taken on the basis of the information published in our website.